Internal Family Systems

“IFS is a simple yet sophisticated fusion of psychology, spirituality and the theory of intra-psychic family systems. This unique method brings hope to those who have lost it”.
Internal Family Systems
Currently IFS is one of the most successful and popular therapies in the world. Its creator, Richard Schwartz, has been developing it for 40 years.

Internal Family Systems
Currently IFS is one of the most successful and popular therapies in the world. Its creator, Richard Schwartz, has been developing it for 40 years.

This therapeutic approach has brought great benefits in the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, depression, addictions, compulsive behaviors and eating disorders among others. Being a non-invasive model, IFS is based on a new approach. With great compassion, the therapist leads the client fluidly towards the encounter and healing of his/her original problems and wounds.

This therapeutic approach has brought great benefits in the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, depression, addictions, compulsive behaviors and eating disorders among others. Being a non-invasive model, IFS is based on a new approach. With great compassion, the therapist leads the client fluidly towards the encounter and healing of his/her original problems and wounds.
Every problem comes from a loss, whether it is self-esteem, a relationship, a job, a loved one etc. However, its real origin lies in the loss of connection with our own SELF.
The IFS therapist guides the patient to reconnect with their own essence and thus develop greater awareness.

Every problem comes from a loss, whether it is self-esteem, a relationship, a job, a loved one etc. However, its real origin lies in the loss of connection with our own SELF.
The IFS therapist guides the patient to reconnect with their own essence and thus develop greater awareness.
Connecting deeply with yourself also allows you to connect with the outside and heal.

IFS believes that we all have a SELF, an essence that has always been present and cannot be damaged. No matter how many problems you have or if you had a traumatic childhood, your SELF remains intact and has its own wisdom.
In addition to the SELF, we have different parts that integrate our personality with which we usually identify thinking that we are that.

IFS believes that we all have a SELF, an essence that has always been present and cannot be damaged. No matter how many problems you have or if you had a traumatic childhood, your SELF remains intact and has its own wisdom.
In addition to the SELF, we have different parts that integrate our personality with which we usually identify thinking that we are that.
When we get angry we believe that we are the emotion that takes over, when in reality it is only a part of us that manifests anger, not the totality of our inner parts .
Another example might be when we say, “One part of me does want to stay in this relationship, but another part doesn’t.” In cases like these, IFS therapy helps us to know and dialogue with each part, so that our internal wisdom may make the best decision, knowing that all parts agree and will function as a team either to stay in the relationship or not.

When we get angry we believe that we are the emotion that takes over, when in reality it is only a part of us that manifests anger, not the totality of our inner parts .
Another example might be when we say, “One part of me does want to stay in this relationship, but another part doesn’t.” In cases like these, IFS therapy helps us to know and dialogue with each part, so that our internal wisdom may make the best decision, knowing that all parts agree and will function as a team either to stay in the relationship or not.

IFS therapy allows us to recognize these internal parts so we can give them a place in our lives, while discovering more and more of our own SELF and learning to live from there.
Living from the SELF means having greater compassion, creativity, clarity and connection among other qualities.

IFS therapy allows us to recognize these internal parts so we can give them a place in our lives, while discovering more and more of our own SELF and learning to live from there.
Living from the SELF means having greater compassion, creativity, clarity and connection among other qualities.
Richard Schwartz
Has a PHD in Family / Marriage Therapy. He developed a therapeutic technique called Internal Family Systems (IFS) in an effort to help clients heal themselves. Associate Profesor in Harvard Medical School.